
No Products based on your search were found

Here are some tips to help your find what you're searching for:

  1. Try simplifying your search term and then filtering by product attributes (Size, color, etc.) on the left-hand side of the menu.
  2. Avoid using brand names when possible  Search by a generic term.  (Ex. Adhesive notes instead of Post Its, Masking tape instead of Scotch tape)  You will find your searches have more options to choose from.
  3. Double-check your spelling.
  4. Make sure your organization does not utilize a closed catalog that will limit the results of your search.
  5. If searching by item number, combine the Prefix and Item Number into one term. (Ex.  BSN63108, SAN30001).
  6. If your search still returns no results, browse by product category on the left-hand menu and narrow your search by Manufacturer, brand, size, etc.
  7. If you cannot find a particular item, you can submit a Special Item Request on the web-store.  You must be logged in to your account, visit the My Account tab and select Special Item Request.  Our purchasing department will research and provide you with options.
  8. Call our customer service team at 716-691-6100 or e-mail.  Our experts are available and ready to answer any questions you may have.  Ask about alternate products! 
  9. If you have bought the item before, search in your order history. (Please be aware products are discontinued by manufactuers with little notice).